Convergence of Euler’s method¶
We consider the IVP \(u'=\sin[(u+t)^2]\) over \(0\le t \le 4\), with \(u(0)=-1\).
using FundamentalsNumericalComputation
f = (u,p,t) -> sin((t+u)^2);
tspan = (0.0,4.0);
u0 = -1.0;
ivp = ODEProblem(f,u0,tspan)
[36mODEProblem[0m with uType [36mFloat64[0m and tType [36mFloat64[0m. In-place: [36mfalse[0m
timespan: (0.0, 4.0)
u0: -1.0
t,u = FNC.euler(ivp,20)
xlabel="t", ylabel="u(t)", title="Solution by Euler's method" )
We could define a different interpolant to get a smoother picture above, but the derivation assumed the piecewise linear interpolant, so it is the most meaningful one. We can instead request more steps to make the interpolant look smoother.
t,u = FNC.euler(ivp,200)
Increasing \(n\) changed the solution noticeably. Since we know that interpolants and finite differences become more accurate as \(h\to 0\), we should expect that from Euler’s method too.
We don’t have an exact solution to compare to, so we will use a DifferentialEquations
solver to construct an accurate solution.
u_exact = solve(ivp,Tsit5(),reltol=1e-14,abstol=1e-14)
Now we can perform a convergence study.
n = @. 50*2^(0:5)
err = zeros(size(n))
for (j,n) = enumerate(n)
t,u = FNC.euler(ivp,n)
err[j] = norm(u_exact.(t)-u,Inf)
pretty_table((n=n,err=err),["n","max-norm error"],backend=:html)
n | max-norm error |
50 | 0.029996164425832583 |
100 | 0.014229199704658635 |
200 | 0.00694432968416131 |
400 | 0.003429468304963379 |
800 | 0.0017041006511159251 |
1600 | 0.0008494164953237737 |
The error is almost perfectly halved at each step, so we expect that a log-log plot will reveal first-order convergence.
xaxis=(:log10,"n"), yaxis=(:log10,"inf-norm error"), title="Convergence of Euler's method")
plot!(n,0.05*(n/n[1]).^(-1),l=:dash,label="1st order")