Comparison of 1st and 2nd order

using FundamentalsNumericalComputation
f = x -> sin( exp(x+1) );
exact_value = cos(exp(1))*exp(1);

We’ll run both formulas in parallel for a sequence of \(h\) values.

h = @. 4. ^(-1:-1:-8)
FD1 = [];  FD2 = [];
for h in h
    push!(FD1, (f(h)-f(0)) / h )
    push!(FD2, (f(h)-f(-h)) / 2h ) 

pretty_table([h FD1 FD2],["h","FD1","FD2"],backend=:html)
h FD1 FD2
0.25 -3.0100196002533077 -2.3924525328620603
0.0625 -2.6451014322652484 -2.473905902362808
0.015625 -2.521133723616341 -2.478075703599398
0.00390625 -2.4891011707672988 -2.478332620635271
0.0009765625 -2.4810408642263155 -2.478348663491829
0.000244140625 -2.4790227172861705 -2.478349666114127
6.103515625e-5 -2.478517991587978 -2.4783497287785394
1.52587890625e-5 -2.4783917983913852 -2.4783497326825454

All that’s easy to see from this table is that FD2 appears to converge to the same result as FD1, but more rapidly. In each case \(h\) is decreased by a factor of 4, so that the error is reduced by a factor of 4 in the first-order method and 16 in the second-order method.

error_FD1 = @. exact_value - FD1 
error_FD2 = @. exact_value - FD2

table = (n=Int.(log2.(h)),fd1=error_FD1,fd2=error_FD2)
pretty_table(table,["log_2(h)","error in FD1","error in FD2"],backend=:html)
log_2(h) error in FD1 error in FD2
-2 0.5316698672980729 -0.08589720009317459
-4 0.16675169931001355 -0.004443830592427034
-6 0.04278399066110605 -0.00027402935583697996
-8 0.010751437812063891 -1.711231996370799e-5
-10 0.002691131271080671 -1.0694634058339147e-6
-12 0.0006729843309356554 -6.684110775978525e-8
-14 0.00016825863274316788 -4.176695433955047e-9
-16 4.2065436150373614e-5 -2.7268942659475215e-10

A graphical comparison can be clearer. On a log-log scale, the error should (roughly) be a straight line whose slope is the order of accuracy. However, it’s conventional in convergence plots, to show \(h\) decreasing from left to right, which negates the slopes.

plot(h,abs.([error_FD1 error_FD2]),m=:o,label=["error FD1" "error FD2"],
    xflip=true, xaxis=(:log10,"\$h\$"), yaxis=(:log10,"error in \$f'(0)\$"),
    title="Convergence of finite differences", leg=:bottomleft)

plot!(h,[h h.^2],l=:dash,label=["order1" "order2"])      # perfect 1st and 2nd order