Differentiation matrices for periodic end conditions
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""" diffper(n, xspan) Construct 2nd-order differentiation matrices for functions with periodic end conditions, using `n` unique nodes in the interval `xspan`. Returns a vector of nodes and the matrices for the first and second derivatives. """ function diffper(n, xspan) a, b = xspan h = (b - a) / n x = @. a + h * (0:n-1) # nodes, omitting the repeated data # Construct Dx by diagonals, then correct the corners. dp = fill(0.5 / h, n-1) # superdiagonal dm = fill(-0.5 / h, n-1) # subdiagonal Dx = diagm(-1 => dm, 1 => dp) Dx[1, n] = -1 / 2h Dx[n, 1] = 1 / 2h # Construct Dxx by diagonals, then correct the corners. d0 = fill(-2 / h^2, n) # main diagonal dp = ones(n-1) / h^2 # superdiagonal and subdiagonal Dxx = diagm(-1 => dp, 0 => d0, 1 => dp) Dxx[1, n] = 1 / h^2 Dxx[n, 1] = 1 / h^2 return x, Dx, Dxx end
Solution of parabolic PDEs by the method of lines
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""" parabolic(ϕ, xspan, m, g₁, g₂, tspan, init) Solve a parabolic PDE by the method of lines. The PDE is ∂u/∂t = `ϕ`(t, x, u, ∂u/∂x, ∂^2u/∂x^2), `xspan` gives the space domain, m gives the degree of a Chebyshev spectral discretization, `g₁` and `g₂` are functions of (u,∂u/∂x) at the domain ends that should be made zero, `tspan` is the time domain, and `init` is a function of x that gives the initial condition. Returns a vector `x` and a function of t that gives the semidiscrete solution at `x`. """ function parabolic(ϕ, xspan, m, g₁, g₂, tspan, init) x, Dₓ, Dₓₓ = diffcheb(m, xspan) int = 2:m # indexes of interior nodes function extend(v) function objective(ubc) u₀, uₘ = ubc uₓ = Dₓ * [u₀; v; uₘ] return [g₁(u₀, uₓ[1]), g₂(uₘ, uₓ[end])] end ubc = levenberg(objective, [0, 0])[end] return [ubc[1]; v; ubc[2]] end function ode!(f, v, p, t) u = extend(v) uₓ, uₓₓ = Dₓ * u, Dₓₓ * u @. f = ϕ(t, x[int], u[int], uₓ[int], uₓₓ[int]) end ivp = ODEProblem(ode!, init.(x[int]), float.(tspan)) u = solve(ivp) return x, t -> extend(u(t)) end
About the code
Line 29 uses the macro @.
to assign into the vector f
elementwise. Without it, the function would allocate space for the result of phi
and then change f
to point at that vector, and that would defeat the purpose of using the preallocated f
for speed.
11.1 Black–Scholes equation¶
Example 11.1.2
We consider the Black–Scholes problem for the following parameter values:
Smax = 8
T = 6
K, σ, r = (3, 0.06, 0.08);
We discretize space and time.
m = 200; h = Smax / m;
x = h * (0:m)
n = 1000; τ = T / n;
t = τ * (0:n)
λ = τ / h^2
μ = τ / h;
We set the initial condition and then march forward in time.
V = zeros(m+1, n+1)
V[:, 1] = @. max(0, x - K)
for j in 1:n
# Fictitious value from Neumann condition.
Vfict = 2h + V[m, j]
Vj = [ V[:, j]; Vfict ]
# First row is zero by the Dirichlet condition.
for i in 2:m+1
diff1 = (Vj[i+1] - Vj[i-1])
diff2 = (Vj[i+1] - 2Vj[i] + Vj[i-1])
V[i,j+1] = Vj[i] +
(λ * σ^2 * x[i]^2 / 2) * diff2 +
(r * x[i] * μ) / 2 * diff1 -
(r * τ) * Vj[i]
Here is a plot of the solution after every 250 time steps.
using Plots
idx = 1:250:n+1
label = reshape(["t = $t" for t in t[idx]], 1, length(idx))
plot(x, V[:, idx];
label, legend=:topleft,
xaxis=("stock price"), yaxis=("option value"),
title="Black–Scholes solution")
Alternatively, here is an animation of the solution.
anim = @animate for j in 1:10:n+1
plot(x, V[:, j];
xaxis=(L"S"), yaxis=([0,6],L"v(S,t)"),
title="Black–Scholes solution",
label=@sprintf("t = %.2f", t[j]))
mp4(anim, "figures/black-scholes-6.mp4")
The results are easy to interpret, recalling that the time variable really means time until strike. Say you are close to the option’s strike time. If the current stock price is, say, , then it’s not likely that the stock will end up over the strike price , and therefore the option has little value. On the other hand, if presently , then there are good odds that the option will be exercised at the strike time, and you will need to pay a substantial portion of the stock price in order to take advantage. As the time to strike increases, there is an expectation that the stock price is more likely to rise somewhat, making the value of the option larger at each fixed .
Example 11.1.3
Let’s try to do everything the same as in Demo 11.1.2, but extending the simulation time to .
T = 8;
m = 200; h = Smax / m;
x = h*(0:m)
n = 1000; τ = T / n;
t = τ*(0:n)
λ = τ / h^2; μ = τ / h;
for j in 1:n
# Fictitious value from Neumann condition.
Vfict = 2h + V[m,j]
Vj = [ V[:, j]; Vfict ]
# First row is zero by the Dirichlet condition.
for i in 2:m+1
diff1 = (Vj[i+1] - Vj[i-1])
diff2 = (Vj[i+1] - 2Vj[i] + Vj[i-1])
V[i,j+1] = Vj[i] +
(λ * σ^2 * x[i]^2 / 2) * diff2 +
(r * x[i] * μ) / 2 * diff1 -
(r * τ) * Vj[i]
idx = 1:250:n+1
label = reshape(["t = $t" for t in t[idx]], 1, length(idx))
plot(x, V[:, idx];
label, legend=:topleft,
title="Black–Scholes solution",
xaxis=("stock price"), yaxis=("option value",[0, 6]))
anim = @animate for j in 1:10:n+1
plot(x, V[:, j];
xaxis=(L"S"), yaxis=([0,6],L"v(S,t)"),
title="Black–Scholes solution...?",
dpi=150, label=@sprintf("t = %.2f",t[j]))
mp4(anim, "figures/black-scholes-8.mp4")
This so-called solution is nonsense!
11.2 The method of lines¶
Example 11.2.2
Let’s implement the method of Example 11.2.1 with second-order space semidiscretization.
m = 100
x, Dx, Dxx = FNC.diffper(m, [0, 1]);
tfinal = 0.15
n = 2400 # number of time steps
τ = tfinal / n # time step
t = τ * (0:n) # time values
Next we set an initial condition. It isn’t mathematically periodic, but the end values and derivatives are so small that for numerical purposes it may as well be.
using Plots
U = zeros(m, n+1);
U[:, 1] = @. exp( -60 * (x - 0.5)^2 )
plot(x, U[:, 1];
xaxis=(L"x"), yaxis=(L"u(x,0)"),
title="Initial condition")
The Euler time stepping simply multiplies by the constant matrix in (11.2.6) at each time step. Since that matrix is sparse, we will declare it as such, even though the run-time savings may not be detectable for this small value of .
using SparseArrays
A = sparse(I + τ * Dxx)
for j in 1:n
U[:, j+1] = A * U[:, j]
plot_idx = 1:10:31
plot_times = round.(t[plot_idx], digits=4)
labels = ["t = $t" for t in plot_times]
plot(x, U[:, plot_idx];
label=reshape(labels, 1, :), legend=:topleft,
title="Heat equation by forward Euler",
xaxis=(L"x"), yaxis=(L"u(x,0)", [-0.25, 1]))
Things seem to start well, with the initial peak widening and shrinking. But then there is a nonphysical growth in the solution.
anim = @animate for j in 1:101
plot(x, U[:, j];
label=@sprintf("t=%.5f", t[j]),
xaxis=(L"x"), yaxis=(L"u(x,t)", [-1, 2]),
dpi=150, title="Heat equation by forward Euler")
mp4(anim, "figures/diffusionFE.mp4")
The growth in norm is exponential in time.
M = vec( maximum(abs, U, dims=1) )
plot(t[1:1000], M[1:1000];
xaxis=(L"t"), yaxis=(:log10, L"\max_x |u(x,t)|"),
title="Nonphysical growth")
Example 11.2.4
Now we apply backward Euler to the heat equation. We will reuse the setup from Demo 11.2.2. Since the matrix in (11.2.7) never changes during the time stepping, we do the necessary LU factorization only once.
using SparseArrays
B = sparse(I - τ * Dxx)
factor = lu(B)
for j in 1:n
U[:, j+1] = factor \ U[:, j]
using Plots
idx = 1:600:n+1
times = round.(t[idx], digits=4)
label = reshape(["t = $t" for t in times], 1, length(idx))
plot(x,U[:, idx];
label, legend=:topleft,
title="Heat equation by backward Euler",
xaxis=(L"x"), yaxis=(L"u(x,0)", [0, 1]))
anim = @animate for j in 1:20:n+1
plot(x, U[:, j];
label=@sprintf("t=%.5f", t[j]),
xaxis=(L"x"), yaxis=(L"u(x,t)", [0, 1]),
dpi=150, title="Heat equation by backward Euler")
mp4(anim, "figures/diffusionBE.mp4")
This solution looks physically plausible, as the large concentration in the center diffuses outward until the solution is essentially constant. Observe that the solution remains periodic in space for all time.
Example 11.2.5
We set up the semidiscretization and initial condition in just as before.
m = 100
x, Dx, Dxx = FNC.diffper(m, [0, 1])
u0 = @. exp( -60*(x - 0.5)^2 );
Now, however, we apply Function 6.5.2 (rk23
) to the initial-value problem .
using OrdinaryDiffEq
tfinal = 0.25
ODE = (u, p, t) -> Dxx * u
IVP = ODEProblem(ODE, u0, (0, tfinal))
t, u = FNC.rk23(IVP, 1e-5);
We check that the resulting solution looks realistic.
plt = plot(
title="Heat equation by rk23",
xaxis=(L"x"), yaxis=(L"u(x,0)", [0, 1]))
for idx in 1:600:n+1
plot!(x, u[idx]; label="t = $(round.(t[idx], digits=4))")
anim = @animate for j in 1:20:1600
plot(x, u[j];
label=@sprintf("t=%.4f", t[j]),
xaxis=(L"x"), yaxis=(L"u(x,t)", [0, 1]),
dpi=150, title="Heat equation by rk23")
mp4(anim, "figures/diffusionRK23.mp4")
The solution appears to be correct. But the number of time steps that were selected automatically is surprisingly large, considering how smoothly the solution changes.
println("Number of time steps for rk23: $(length(t)-1)")
Number of time steps for rk23: 3975
Now we apply a solver from DifferentialEquations
u = solve(IVP, Rodas4P());
println("Number of time steps for Rodas4P: $(length(u.t) - 1)")
Number of time steps for Rodas4P: 23
The number of steps selected is reduced by a factor of more than 100!
11.3 Absolute stability¶
Example 11.3.5
Euler and Backward Euler time-stepping methods were used to solve .
m = 40
_, _, Dₓₓ = FNC.diffper(m, [0, 1]);
The eigenvalues of this matrix are real and negative:
using Plots
λ = eigvals(Dₓₓ)
scatter(real(λ), imag(λ);
frame=:zerolines, aspect_ratio=1,
xaxis=("Re λ"), yaxis=("Im λ", (-1000, 1000)))
The Euler method is absolutely stable in the region in the complex plane:
phi = 2π * (0:360) / 360
z = @. cis(phi) - 1; # unit circle shifted to the left by 1
plot(Shape(real(z), imag(z));
color=RGB(.8, .8, 1),
xaxis=("Re ζ"), yaxis=("Im ζ"),
aspect_ratio=1, frame=:zerolines,
title="Stability region")
In order to get inside this region, we have to find τ such that for all eigenvalues λ. This is an upper bound on τ.
λ_min = minimum(λ)
@show max_τ = -2 / λ_min;
max_τ = -2 / λ_min = 0.0003125000000000001
Here we plot the resulting values of .
ζ = λ * max_τ
scatter!(real(ζ), imag(ζ), title="Stability region and ζ values")
In backward Euler, the region is . Because they are all on the negative real axis, all of the ζ values will fit no matter what τ is chosen.
plot(Shape([-6, 6, 6, -6], [-6, -6, 6, 6]), color=RGB(.8, .8, 1))
z = @. cis(phi) + 1; # unit circle shifted right by 1
plot!(Shape(real(z), imag(z)), color=:white)
scatter!(real(ζ), imag(ζ);
xaxis=([-4, 2], "Re ζ"), yaxis=([-3, 3], "Im ζ"),
aspect_ratio=1, frame=:zerolines,
title="Stability region and ζ values")
11.4 Stiffness¶
Example 11.4.2
In Example 11.4.1 we derived a Jacobian matrix for the Oregonator model. Here is a numerical solution of the ODE.
using OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots
function ode(u,p,t)
s,w,q = p
f = [
s * ( u[2]*(1 - u[1]) + u[1]*(1 - q*u[1]) ),
(u[3] - u[2] - u[1] * u[2]) / s,
w * (u[1] - u[3])
return f
s, w, q = (77.27, .161, 8.375e-6)
oregon = ODEProblem(ode, [1., 2, 3], (0., 500.), [s, w, q])
sol = solve(oregon)
plot(sol, yscale=:log10, legend=:none, title="Solution of the Oregonator")
At each value of the numerical solution, we can compute the eigenvalues of the Jacobian. Here we plot all of those eigenvalues in the complex plane.
t,u = sol.t[1:2:end], sol.u[1:2:end]
λ = fill(0.0im, length(t), 3)
for (k, u) in enumerate(u)
J = [
s*(1-u[2]-2q*u[1]) s*(1-u[1]) 0
-u[2]/s -(1+u[1])/s 1/s
w 0 -w
λ[k, :] .= eigvals(J)
scatter(real(λ), imag(λ), t;
xaxis=("Re(λ)", 25000*(-5:2:-1)), ylabel="Im(λ)", zlabel="t",
title="Oregonator eigenvalues")
You can see that there is one eigenvalue that ranges over a wide portion of the negative real axis and dominates stability considerations.
Example 11.4.3
The Rodas4P
solver is good for stiff problems, and needs few time steps to solve the Oregonator from Demo 11.4.2.
oregon = remake(oregon, tspan=(0., 25.))
sol = solve(oregon, Rodas4P())
println("Number of time steps for Rodas4P: $(length(sol.t) - 1)")
Number of time steps for Rodas4P: 127
But if we apply Function 6.5.2 to the problem, the step size will be made small enough to cope with the large negative eigenvalue.
t,u = FNC.rk23(oregon,1e-4)
println("Number of time steps for RK23: $(length(t) - 1)")
Number of time steps for RK23: 20773
Starting from the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix, we can find an effective by multiplying with the local time step size. The values of for each time level are plotted below and color coded by component of the diagonalized system.
λ = fill(1.0im, length(t),3)
for (k, u) in enumerate(u)
J = [
s*(1-u[2]-2q*u[1]) s*(1-u[1]) 0
-u[2]/s -(1+u[1])/s 1/s
w 0 -w
λ[k, :] .= eigvals(J)
ζ = diff(t) .* λ[1:end-1,:]
scatter(real(ζ), imag(ζ), m=2,
xlabel="Re(ζ)", ylabel="Im(ζ)",
title="Oregonator stability")
Roughly speaking, the ζ values stay within or close to the RK2 stability region in Figure 11.3.2. Momentary departures from the region are possible, but time stepping repeatedly in that situation would cause instability.
11.5 Boundaries¶
Example 11.5.3
First, we define functions for the PDE and each boundary condition.
ϕ = (t, x, u, uₓ, uₓₓ) -> uₓₓ
g₁ = (u, uₓ) -> u
g₂ = (u, uₓ) -> u - 2;
Our next step is to write a function to define the initial condition. This one satisfies the boundary conditions exactly.
init = x -> 1 + sinpi(x/2) + 3 * (1-x^2) * exp(-4x^2);
Now we can use Function 11.5.2 to solve the problem.
using Plots
x, u = FNC.parabolic(ϕ, (-1, 1), 60, g₁, g₂, (0, 0.75), init)
plt = plot(
xlabel=L"x", ylabel=L"u(x,t)",
legend=:topleft, title="Solution of the heat equation")
for t in 0:0.1:0.4
plot!(x, u(t), label=@sprintf("t=%.2f", t))
anim = @animate for t in range(0,0.75,length=201)
plot(x, u(t);
label=@sprintf("t=%.2f", t), legend=:topleft,
xaxis=(L"x"), yaxis=(L"u(x,t)", (0, 4.2)),
title="Heat equation", dpi=150)
mp4(anim, "figures/boundaries-heat.mp4", fps=30)
Example 11.5.4
ϕ = (t, x, u, uₓ, uₓₓ) -> u^2 + uₓₓ
g₁ = (u, uₓ) -> u
g₂ = (u, uₓ) -> uₓ
init = x -> 400x^4 * (1 - x)^2
x, u = FNC.parabolic(ϕ, (0, 1), 60, g₁, g₂, (0, 0.1), init);
anim = @animate for t in range(0, 0.1, length=101)
plot(x, u(t);
label=@sprintf("t=%.4f", t), legend=:topleft,
xaxis=(L"x"), yaxis=(L"u(x,t)", (0, 10)),
dpi=150, title="Heat equation with source")
mp4(anim, "figures/boundaries-source.mp4", fps=30)
Example 11.5.5
K = 3; σ = 0.06; r = 0.08; Smax = 8;
ϕ = (t, x, u, uₓ, uₓₓ) -> σ^2/2 * (x^2 * uₓₓ) + r*x*uₓ - r*u
g₁ = (u, uₓ) -> u
g₂ = (u, uₓ) -> uₓ - 1;
u₀ = x -> max(0, x - K)
x, u = FNC.parabolic(ϕ, (0, Smax), 80, g₁, g₂, (0, 15), u₀);
anim = @animate for t in range(0, 15, 151)
plot(x, u(t);
label=@sprintf("t=%.4f", t), legend=:topleft,
xaxis=(L"x"), yaxis=(L"u(x,t)", (-0.5, 8)),
dpi=150, title="Black–Scholes equation")
mp4(anim, "figures/boundaries-bs.mp4", fps=30)
Recall that is the value of the call option, and time runs backward from the strike time. The longer the horizon, the more value the option has due to anticipated growth in the stock price.